Sanem meets Hip-Hop

Move your way of being


Impression of the atelier ‘Sape meets Hip Hop’, suyPhotography: Nael Nassan

By: Parisse De Dorian Boumpoutou Loukalou (2021), Jonathan Braga
A Gadder Museum, Belvaux (2021-2022)

In 2021 this absolutely unique atelier started with the Congolese Sape (Society of Ambiance-Makers and Elegant People) flirting with Hip Hop, in this case from the French suburbs. Artists Parisse Boumpoutou and Jonathan Braga created an artistic, cultural and social cooperation between their fields of expertise in dancing movements. But Hip Hop and Sape are not just a dance, it’s not something that you can just learn, it is a culture, it becomes a way of being.

In 2022 Jonathan Braga continued the atelier to develop a unique dance with the local youth, a spectacle with a message. Every Thursday he finds the beat with youngsters between 10 and 18 to move your way of being.


Parisse Boumpoutou is a French teacher based near Sanem, and completely changes when he dances Sape with his Congolese elegance, Jonathan Braga is a social worker who finds hope and activism in hip-hop, with which he grew up in French suburbs. Together they made a choreography for a series of rhythmic sessions to transform the audience through dance.

See their final performance during Weaving Futures Festival:


Discover the other ateliers:


The Spirit of Songwriting


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