The Spirit of Songwriting

Deepen your understanding on the rhythm of language


Impression atelier August 2021, photography: Nael Nassan

By: Nazmul Haque Tonmoy (Sami), Priscila da Costa
A Gadder Museum, Belvaux

For this atelier, people interested in music composition are invited to deepen their understanding about songwriting. The participants familiarise themselves with simple tools that enabled them to write a song from scratch. Some can play an instrument, which is an advantage but definitely not a must-have. Some can be singers and some others are more interested in writing lyrics only. Each and everyone of the participants have something to express, a story to tell. All are open to each other’s input, one inspires the other throughout this experience. Five beautiful and authentic songs came out of this workshop in 2021. They were performed at the A Gadder Museum by some of the participants willing to sing and play in public. Some others were accompanied by one of the hosts, Sami or Priscila.

One of the main objectives of this workshop was for the participants to realise that one doesn’t need to be a professional musician to write a song. A piece of paper and a pen is all it takes to weave our future in music!


Briefing on songwriting by Sami


Nazmul Haque Tonmoy Nazmul Haque Tonmoy is a lawyer and a passionate rockstar with his roots in Bangladesh. Priscila Da Costa is a rock singer-songwriter, vocal coach and established artist in Luxembourg. Together they hosted the first edition of the atelier ‘The Spirit of Songwriting‘.

See their performance during the Weaving Futures Festival:


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